Rhys Davies approached PixelHaze wanting a website for his IT consultancy business. The project was to be carried out over two days, which meant the PixelHaze team needed to gather an understanding of the company quite quickly in order to produce an authentic website for the brand. Rhys was a little sceptical at the start, as he thought he would be a nightmare to work with, within a couple of days.
Given the time constraints, we had to create an entire brand within a couple of hours using the name Fivenines and the tagline “Get a grip of your IT”. Rhys did not have any photography of his work, as it would be quite difficult to capture it. So, we opted for the artwork approach to the website, which allowed Fives nines to be set apart from other IT consultancies.
Given that the project needed artwork rather than photography, we used images from adobe stock and edited them to fit the brand appropriately. The brand name “Fivenines” comes from the company’s belief that every business should aspire to an IT function that provides Five Nine levels of reliability (99.999%). In the logo the V in five was designed to look like a tick to reflect Rhys signing off projects and to also resemble the Roman numeral for five.
Due to the time constraints of the project, we had to dissect our time into specific hours to focus on different parts of the project. However, this actually made the work a lot quicker, and we are really happy with the outcome.
Created to help businesses thrive from the benefits that technology can bring.
Idiom (Get a grip) : To have a new understanding of a topic or concept.
Create an innovative branding
One day website workshop
Responsive Web Design
Fresh identity