Steve Jones - Squarespace website design
Project requirements
New online presence
Responsive Web Design
Website design workshop
Branding Project
Why Steve Jones?
As a public speaker, Steve Jones has a vast amount of stories to share through his career of expedition management. It was an incredible opportunity to work on a site with Steve and capture these engaging experiences within a brand and website.
Steve Jones, Public Speaker
Steve approached us to create a new brand identity and website for his public speaking. As a part of the brief, Steve wanted to make sure that he wasn’t seen as a ‘public figure’ as most explores would be seen as on Instagram. Steve’s focus is behind the scenes. He manages and plans the expeditions to locations such as Mount Everest to ensure a swift and safe journey.
The website needed to focus on his public speaking as opposed to just the expeditions. Steve had a rich library of images we could use from past adventures. It was important that we implemented these images throughout the site as they helped tell Steve’s story.
Our solution
Using the images and videos provided by Steve, we used a full-width site to properly display these images throughout the site through large banners and image blocks. Accompanied by these images, we played with the Steve Jones brand to create animated icons and videos which helped to show Steve’s role in expeditions. The animated GIFs helped add personality to the site whilst not distracting from the professional feel.
Steve’s brand uses a traditional compass to reflect Steve’s management role, putting emphasis on the planning side of each expedition. Combined with the contrasting navy and white colour scheme reflecting the colours of the antarctic, the website and brand retain the experienced professional design Steve wanted to capture.